Former Eastern Germany: The Rennsteig Need more information in english: The Rennsteig is the eldest long distance hiking path in Europe crossing the Thüringer…
Need more information in english: Korte wandelpaden: Laarne (omgeving Gent): het Reigerpad en het Ridderpad Het Reigerpad (vanaf 1988) slingert tussen de Kalkense Meersen…
Sur le chemin de Saint-Gilles - La Voie Regordane (Le Puy-en-Velay - Saint-Gilles-du-Gard) Need more information in english: Topo guide: Sur le chemin de…
THE CEVENNES AND THE GORGES DU TARN Need more information in english: A guide to 400 kilometres of foothpaths through mountains including the Tour…
Le Chemin d'Arles (GR653) Topo Guide: 'Le Chemin d'Arles'- La Voie du Sud vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (Arles-Puente la Reina), Louis Laborde Balen, Jean Pierre Siréjol, Rando…
The GR65 Genève - Le Puy-en-Velay Need more information in english: More about the GR5 in Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland and other regions in France…